Tuesday, May 31, 2005

When A Deck Is More Than Just A Deck

Yes, life is good. Bongo Bob enjoys sitting on his newly constructed deck. But in between digging holes for piers, sawing wood and screwing down dozens of deck boards, I got to thinking that building a deck not only holds simple pleasures, but could also be a simple analogy to our situation in Iraq.

A BIG jump in logic and reality indeed, especially for a dog like me, but follow along.

The job took a lot longer than I had anticipated. It held many surpises for which I had not planned and for which I was ill-prepared. It cost more than I had budgeted and was much more difficult than I had thought it would be. MUCH more difficult.

I know, I know, you're looking at my happy face as I sit on my still unfinished deck and saying "Sure, but knowing what you now know, wouldn't you do it all over again?" Is this not "Mission Accomplished?"

A good question.

But wouldn't the better question be asked of President Bush...and the American people. "Knowing what you now know of WMD's, flawed strategies, cost and impact on our economy, torture, the loss of lives and MUCH, much more, would YOU do it all over again?"

And you thought this deck made me happy. Such deep thoughts for a happy dog.

Blogs Away!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Dazed But Not Confused!

Yes, Bongo Bob likes to take time to stop and smell the flowers. And why not? Life comes at us sooooooo fast. The good things don't seem to last.

The bad....and the good. Zoom, and they pass like a frisbee I can't catch!

So, Bongo Bob's advice is simple. When something good happens, or someone says something nice, or you're enjoying something really wonderful...like a chew bone.......whatever it is that puts a smile on your face and warms your heart.....take time to soak it in and enjoy it.

Because before you know it, the moment will be gone. Lost forever except in your memories. So before time slips away and you find yourself pushing up daisies with your best friends and family standing around overhead, make the best of the moment at hand.

Blogs Away!Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Blogs Away!!!

Ahhhh, where to begin? My blog is like a fresh canvas just awaiting the first brush stroke...or paw print. Shall I make it bold and colorful or subtle and mysterious? Short and sweet or long and drawn out? How about a little of both, some of one and none of the last?

First then, some ground rules: Bongo Bob is unafraid of any topic or subject matter with the possible exception of potty training. Although, on close inspection, we would probably find it fertile for ridicule and/or humor of some sort. So I guess no topic is off limits. No matter how full of shit it or its participants are.

Second, no matter how obtuse, insane, outlandish or far-fetched a point being made is, it is still a point being made and as such, there must be some point to it.

Finally, and it is time for closure because as any good blogger knows, a good blog gets to the point (see above) quickly. So, finally... all posts being made will be made with the express goal of making you laugh, groan, giggle, wriggle, exhale deeply, shake your head in disbelief, swear aloud and make the world a better place.

Blogs Away!