Here Comes Santa Bongo Bob

Yeah, thats me! Nothing like a good December snow, some skiing, a jacuzzi with Mrs. BongoBob and a little spiked eggnog to get the blood flowing.
Oh yeah. Feeling dog gone good. And when I'm feeling good, unlike a lot of my firends who just lay down and nap, I get to thinking.
And today, I got to thinking about the spirit of Christmas. Yeah, Christmas. Not some bullshit PC "holiday" mood...but the real deal. Call it for what it is. Christmas.
Now, I'm not trying to get approval from some wacked out right wing christian group that shops at my store. Hell, I don't have a store. And I'd just as soon take a bite out of those wackos anywho.
I just think that a holiday, any holiday...Christmas, Hannuka, Ramadan...whatever, should be called by its real name. Not some bullshit, watered down label.
When I want to bark out a good Merry Christmas to my dogs...I don't mean Happy Holiday!
So, get outta my store and my face all you PC Scrooges. Because, my bite just may be worse than my bark.
Blogs Away!
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